Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Real writers collect fat as well as dust--we don't leave our chairs!

Starting a new diet is like starting a new blog.


You have hopes, you have dreams, you have ambition and especially, motivation. But you're not sure if you have the stick-to-it-iveness. (What a horrible word.)

Last year, it was Weight Watchers. And exercise. I lost thirty pounds in five months.

Brussel Sprouts (tiny cabbages!)
This year, after gaining those pounds back, I've decided to go low-carb. In part, because it's fairly easy for a savory tastebudded person like me to do. And, it's because I know that once I get over the hump of craving sugar and processed foods, it will work pretty well for me IF I plan my meals and stock my pantry. One problem I've had over the past year--and it's one I've never had before--is forgetting to eat.

What the hell, right? I mean...who forgets to eat?

It all started when I became anemic and napped all day. Eating, and procuring food, just weren't important. Not eating became a habit, and until I reached the "hangry" state, when all of a sudden I was ready to kill someone, that I realized I was hungry and should eat something. Whatever I ate, however, caused guilt. This, in turn, made me want to not eat (as opposed to forgetting to eat), but by the end of the day, I was famished and then--I stuffed my face with all kinds of fast crap that wasn't completely planned.

I say "not completely" because usually I'd text husband to pick up a snack on the way home from work. A snack like...Cheetos! The crunchy kind. Or french fries. Or...crackers and cheese!
Roasted red peppers

Writing this, I can see that a lot of my problem has to do with lack of planning. And a desire not to have to look up the point value/calorie count of every item I eat while I stuff my face. Going low carb should resolve that problem. I won't have to think about anything as I eat, because I'll have the right foods at hand (I will stock up on the right foods!). Rotisserie chicken, veggies, hot dogs (those are fast and low carb), nuts. We've always liked roasted veggies for a snack--now we'll just roast the non-root veggies and have those at night. Cheese without crackers. That kind of thing.'s day one. I've got over a hundred pounds to lose...wish me luck. If I don't do this, I'm afraid I might die. Hopefully, my heart won't explode. It seems counter-intuitive to enjoy meats, hard cheeses and things like butter and eggs. I grew up in the non-fat era. Fat was bad. It's hard to believe that fat might be good.

My fat is bad, that's for sure. I have no choice but to do this thing.

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